LINGKOD is headed by our current National Director, Bro. Raymund Gerard Samson, who provides overall pastoral, governmental and administrative direction to all areas of LINGKOD life and activity. He is assisted by the current National Women's Moderator, Neri Gool, and a Staff in organizational and development work as well as in overseeing the operations of the group's branch network and providing provincial leaders with the pastoral care they need. LINGKOD's administrative concerns are handled by a National Administrator.

The basic geographic grouping of a LINGKOD body in a particular locality is known as a Branch. It is headed by a Branch Leader, the principal local male leader of the branch. Each branch has at least five Action Groups of men and five Action Groups of women. An Action Group is the smallest and most basic pastoral unit in LINGKOD and is comprised of five (5) to ten (10) committed LINGKOD members. It is headed by an Action Group Leader. Five or more Action Groups compose a Unit, a service grouping headed by a Unit Leader who is charged with providing the Action Group Leaders with input and guidance.


"Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon National Staffers"

The day-to-day affairs and concerns of each branch (e.g., events, schedules, ministries, apostolates) are handled by a Service Council, a group of appointed brothers and sisters. The council is headed by a Service Council Presiding Officer.

LINGKOD, through its branches, provides pastoral and organizational support to various groups. These groups are known as Affiliates and Assisted Groups.

2007 Lingkod-Makati Branch Structure and Leadership

Lingkod Makati is headed by a Branch Leader (BL), who currently is Atty. Red Babano. He is the principal male leader of the Branch and heads the Branch Council; he exercises governance and pastoral authority and is in charge of over-all pastoral direction and formation of the Branch and supervises, in coordination with the various service leaders, the over-all direction of the branch in terms of the various services it undertakes.

The Branch Leader's counterpart for the females is the Branch Women's Moderator (BWM) who currently is Pola Cartalla. She is the principal female leader and is primarily in charge of the pastoral concerns of the sisters and assists the Branch Leader in addressing these pastoral concerns.

The Branch Council is composed of the heads of the various Ministries which are: 1. Pastoral, 2. Administration, 3. Worship, and 4. Evangelization. The current heads of the various ministries are: Red Babano and Pola Cartalla for Pastoral; Puri Espeleta and Jenny Ancheta for Administration; Mhike Dayrit and Edith Gonzales for Worship, and Maryo Galvez and Gemma Perando for Evangelization. It is a coordinating body to ensure that service and pastoral concerns are met and streamlined.

The Branch Leader is assisted by the Branch Servant in all administrative concerns. The current Branch Servant is Ronald Cardenas.





The Mission Statement of ALNP is five fold, commonly referred to by us as the 5Cs:


Conversion: To joyfully give our lives to Jesus Christ and continually come to a deeper personal relationship with Him.
Community: To live in committed personal relationships with other Christians.
Culture: To faithfully live the commandments of God and His church as well as the common way of life He has given us.
Character: To strive to grow in personal holiness and in the character of God.
Commission: To boldly proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom and work for its spread in our families,

workplaces, nation and all other environments we are part of.


"We are single men and women who seek fullness of life in Jesus Christ and,

in living this life, work to bring many others to Himself."

"Lingkod’s slogan, “Christifying the Workplace”, expresses the desire of the members to make a difference in their environments. “Christify” is a coined term, to mean “intensifying” the presence of Christ by living out our Christian call wherever God places us.

As Lingkod grows and expands, it will continue to strive to remain faithful to God’s call to be a witness to His life and work. This means, members are trained and developed into mature Christian members who can help out in the future as leaders in Lingkod, other charismatic communities, and/or their respective parishes. Some branches even participate actively in the dioceses where they are located by organizing events and serving in the parishes. Lingkod members also commit to remain faithful and loyal to the Church by defending it and winning others to live a full Christian life in the catholic tradition.

Lingkod hopes to contribute toward a return to the sources of the faith:

to the Word of God, which should be read in the Spirit and in the Church for its understanding;

to prayer, as the way to a personal encounter with God who dwells in the spirit of the believer;

to praise as thanksgiving to God the Savior and to Jesus Christ, Lord of life and of history;

to the deepening of Christian conversion, which is shown in the brotherly communion and the commitment of life toward the needs of all men, who are also called to the divine filiation.  

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